When it comes to blending your cabin's interior and exterior spaces, balconies are a seamless solution.
builders and clients alike, there are a few elements to keep in mind
while designing your perfect balcony (and perfect view).
The direction your balcony faces will ultimately determine how much natural light you'll receive. A southern exposure gets the most sunlight, while a southwestern exposure is optimal for both sunlight and a clear sunset view in the evening.
In the above example, in order to capitalize on its beautiful third floor view, this bedroom balcony utilizes french doors. This allows for a scenic snapshot of the lake to be seen from inside the bedroom as well as out.
In this photo, we've taken what would normally be a shady basement and transformed it with a walkout patio and sweeping, south-facing vista worthy of any master bedroom. After all, who says you have to be on a second story to enjoy a million dollar view?
Have questions about Kenora builders, contractors, or interior cottage design? Please contact Bill Scurfield at bscurf@mymts.net or visit our website http://blackfoxconstruction.com/.