Thursday, November 30, 2017

Winterize Me: Windows

Whether you're converting your summer escape or building a four season retreat from scratch, one of the most important upgrades your cabin can receive is the right set of windows.

We've covered plumbing problems and avoided dockside disasters, but if your cabin doesn't have the right set of four season windows, it's not going to be habitable come December.
Typically, a summer-only cabin doesn't stress too much on getting a good set of windows-  they're often poorly sealed and extremely inefficient when it comes to trapping warmth and saving on energy. 

The hydro bills on Lake of the Woods can be crazy enough in the summer, let alone when you're getting away for a winter holiday. By springing for a set of energy efficient windows now, you'll actually be saving yourself from paying astronomical heating bills in the future.
As for the seal, four season windows will protect you from almost anything mother nature can throw at you. Whether its critters looking for a place to stay, or simply condensation creeping through the frames, the right set of windows will save you from any number of nasty spring time surprises.

Have questions about Kenora builders, contractors, or interior cottage design? Please contact Bill Scurfield at or visit our website